Sex And Disability / A Quick And Easy Guide / ABVERKAUF
4,00 €
2 vorrätig
A quick, easy, and educational comic book guide that will help change the way we talk about sex and sexuality for all bodies.
All different kinds of bods want to connect with other bods, but lots of them get left out of the conversation when it comes to S-E-X. As explained by disabled cartoonist A. Andrews, this easy-to-read guide covers the basics of disability sexuality, common myths about disabled bodies, communication tips, and practical suggestions for having the best sexual experience possible. Whether you yourself are disabled, you love someone who is, or you just want to know more, consider this your handy starter kit to understanding disability sexuality, and your path to achieving accessible (and fulfilling) sex.
Das Buch ist in englischer Sprahe, neu und ungelesen, weist eventuell Spuren der Lagerung auf, befindet sich aber in besten Zustand und ist bereit gelesen zu werden.
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